DAUGHTERS UNITED is developing a NETWORK of leaders who LEAD, LIVE and LOVE in their “Circle of Influence”.
This part of our ministry is all about “CONNECTING” our sisters.
We lead families, we own businesses, we run organization, we pastor people… WE POUR OUT…
Leadership has it’s ups and downs, for sure! It is costly, rewarding, challenging, scary and exciting all wrapped into one big crazy quilt!
One thing I have learned is that people tend to fall through the cracks when they don’t have a support system. My friend, it is no different with us. We are “CALLED TO LEAD” but many of us lead alone.
The very passion we feel burning inside our hearts can end up burning out our flame when we try to be Lone Ranger leaders.
Sister… you don’t have to lead alone! We welcome you to join our SISTERHOOD TRIBE!
A call for Regional ambassadors!
We are also seeking AMBASSADORS who can connect, encourage and unite regions across the NATION who can help us GATHER, GROW and GO for GOD!
For more info, please fill out our Ambassadors form here: