Daughters United
Daughters United

She Shines Spotlight

Spotlighting dreams, ideas, work and ministry

She Helps Inspire, Nurture, Encourage, Sisterhood & Service

She Shines showcases the amazing talent and work of local women who shine in our regions. Our “Spotlights” are women in business, non-profit or ministry who Live, Love, and Lead in their circles of influence. Each month “SHE SHINES” celebrates the works, dreams and projects of those who SHINE their light, making a difference for Him in their places and spaces.


Current Spotlights

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Previous Spotlights

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Nominate Someone Who Shines

• She is a sister in Christ who works in business, non-profit or ministry.

• She exhibits leadership, service and an outreach focus.

• She has a heart for UNITY in the body of Christ.


Guest Information

At least 3 questions we may ask you during your spotlight interview 

These questions may lead into others which will broaden the interview and make

it more interesting for our viewers. Concepts to consider are:

1) Part of your personal testimony.

2) What is the need you are addressing in your Circle of INluence (CoIN).

3) How is your work, business or project making a difference in the lives you serve.  Share a story.